Month: January 2019

Apex-Research R&D Engineer, Tomas Daubner, presents Development of a Large-scale Static Mixer by using Sim Center FloEFD and Laser Based Measurement

DEVELOPMENT OF A NOVEL LARGE-SCALE STATIC MIXER BY USING SIMCENTER FLOEEFD AND LASER BASED MEASUREMENT APEX Group’s R&D Department would like to thank Mentor, a Siemens Business, for the invitation to present our approach in using Flow Simulation Software FloEFD…


First Supreme Court Decision Allowing Enforcement of Arbitral Award Which Orders a Daily Monetary Penalty in Korea

Yulchon successfully represented Euro Apex B.V. (“Apex”), a Dutch manufacturer of heat exchangers, in a Supreme Court proceeding for enforcement of a Dutch arbitral award against a Korean defendant, a manufacturer of similar products.


APEX Group has proudly participated in the Dutch television program on RTLZ Doe Maar Duurzaam – Be Sustainable

Take a peek in APEX Group’s R&D Laboratory to see LASER experiments and to understand how we contribute to sustainability. See our Founder and our R&D Manager presenting innovative measurement techniques and APEX Group’s vision.
