Apex-Research B.V. established an experimental set-up to validate Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) results and to calibrate the CFD software for the application of plate type flow configurations. This allows the reliable prediction of flow field characteristics like pressure drop or…
During Power Gen-Europe 2017, R&D Manager Jens Kitzhofer publicly unveils Apex Group’s technological innovation. Our new APEX-delfino® technology optimizes flow distribution and influences turbulence for improved operation of Free-flow Plate-type Heat Exchangers. Find out more in the video below.
APEX Group’s mobile transparent flow facility equipped with state-of-the-art laser optical measurement technique (PIV) set up at Power-Gen Europe 2017 Conference & Exhibition.
APEX Group’s Research and Development team proudly presents our latest innovation in Heavy Duty Heat Exchangers: APEX-delfino® Technology. The new technology optimizes flow distribution and influences turbulence for improved operation of Free-flow™ Plate-type Heat Exchangers. Large amounts of hot Fluegas…
APEX Group is proud to take part of this year’s Power-Gen Conference & Exhibition taking place in Cologne from 27 th to 29 th of June. Now, in its 25th year, POWER-GEN Europe and co-located Renewable Energy World Europe, is…
APEX Research and Development Department is proud to announce a scientific contribution to the 19th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics held in Zurich, Switzerland. Our research paper is intiled: “Experimental Investigation of Plane Jets Exiting Five Parralell Channels with…
Yulchon successfully represented Euro Apex B.V. (“Apex”), a Dutch manufacturer of heat exchangers, in a Supreme Court proceeding for enforcement of a Dutch arbitral award against a Korean defendant, a manufacturer of similar products.
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