Category: News

APEX-delfino Technology Publicly Unveiled at Power-Gen 2017

During Power Gen-Europe 2017, R&D Manager Jens Kitzhofer publicly unveils Apex Group’s technological innovation. Our new APEX-delfino® technology optimizes flow distribution and influences turbulence for improved operation of Free-flow Plate-type Heat Exchangers. Find out more in the video below.


APEX Group at Power-Gen Europe 2017

APEX Group’s mobile transparent flow facility equipped with state-of-the-art laser optical measurement technique (PIV) set up at Power-Gen Europe 2017 Conference & Exhibition.


Innovation in Heavy Duty Heat Exchangers APEX-delfino Technology

APEX Group’s Research and Development team proudly presents our latest innovation in Heavy Duty Heat Exchangers: APEX-delfino® Technology. The new technology optimizes flow distribution and influences turbulence for improved operation of Free-flow™ Plate-type Heat Exchangers. Large amounts of hot Fluegas…


Power-Gen Europe

APEX Group is proud to take part of this year’s Power-Gen Conference & Exhibition taking place in Cologne from 27 th to 29 th of June. Now, in its 25th year, POWER-GEN Europe and co-located Renewable Energy World Europe, is…


International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics

APEX Research and Development Department is proud to announce a scientific contribution to the 19th International Conference on Experimental Fluid Mechanics held in Zurich, Switzerland. Our research paper is intiled: “Experimental Investigation of Plane Jets Exiting Five Parralell Channels with…
